Welcome to CONNECTED Networking Group!

We're all about creating real connections, meaningful collaborations, and genuine growth.

Let's build relationships, share resources and create win-win results.

We are CONNECTED, diversity is our strength, and we are better together!

We're all about creating real connections, meaningful collaborations, and genuine growth.

Let's build relationships, share resources and create win-win results.

We are CONNECTED, diversity is our strength, and we are better together!

Welcome to CONNECTED Networking Group!

We're all about creating real connections, meaningful collaborations, and genuine growth.

Let's build relationships, share resources and create win-win results.

We are CONNECTED, diversity is our strength, and we are better together!

We're all about creating real connections, meaningful collaborations, and genuine growth.

Let's build relationships, share resources and create win-win results.

We are CONNECTED, diversity is our strength, and we are better together!

about us

We are making the world a better place, one connection and one community at a time

In a world that is heavily divided, we bring people together with a purpose.

Our diverse and inclusive community is built on the philosophy of putting relationships first, knowing that business results naturally follow.

Join us in creating a space where every connection is valued, and a step towards personal and professional growth.


Create a fun and comfortable space for the business community to MEET, COLLABORATE, and GROW!









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In charge of expanding the group through building relationships within the local community.

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Manages member onboarding, orientation, and retention efforts.

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Responsible for planning and executing networking events, including refreshments, welcome desk, photography, and videography

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Leads online marketing, social media, and promotional efforts to grow the group's reach.

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Our events ensure you feel welcomed from the moment you arrive, creating a friendly atmosphere where you can easily connect with others.

Learn Something New

Each event offers an opportunity to expand your horizons and gain valuable insights with networking tips and guided activities to leave you inspired and informed.

Meet New People

Our guided activities will help you forge meaningful connections with like-minded professionals, and get to know the people behind the titles, businesses, and social profiles!

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Learn why building genuine business relationships is key to long-term success, trust, and sustainable growth.

The Business of Building Authentic Connections: Why Genuine Relationships Matter More Than Transactions

October 18, 20247 min read

The Power of Building Genuine Relationships in Business

In the modern business landscape, networking is often misunderstood as a transactional activity—a quick exchange of business cards or a series of sales pitches aimed at landing immediate opportunities. However, this narrow view overlooks the real essence of networking: building genuine, long-lasting relationships. In today’s highly connected world, where people are constantly bombarded with marketing messages and sales tactics, relationships built on trust, mutual respect, and shared value stand out. These relationships not only help individuals thrive professionally but also create a supportive community that can lead to opportunities, collaborations, and lasting business success.

This shift from transactional networking to relationship-driven networking is crucial in fostering trust, gaining influence, and growing a business in a sustainable way. While the former often leads to short-term gains, the latter offers long-term benefits that are far more impactful, including access to deeper opportunities, referrals, mentorship, and even personal development. In this article, we’ll explore why genuine relationships are the foundation of successful business networking, how to build and nurture these connections, and why they lead to greater business growth.

1. Why Relationships Matter More Than Transactions

At the core of any successful business is the understanding that people do business with those they know, like, and trust. In a world where digital advertising, social media, and email marketing are constantly vying for attention, establishing a personal connection sets you apart from the noise. Building relationships based on authenticity, shared values, and mutual respect can be the difference between being remembered and being forgotten.

A relationship-driven approach to networking prioritizes long-term engagement over immediate transactions. When people feel that their interests and needs are genuinely understood, they are more inclined to trust the person or business with whom they are interacting. This trust doesn’t just lead to a single sale or opportunity; it often results in repeat business, referrals, and ongoing collaboration. Relationships built on this foundation are more likely to weather setbacks and stand the test of time, far outlasting purely transactional connections.

In contrast, transactional networking, which focuses on "what can I get out of this," tends to yield short-term results. Sure, it might land you a few leads or sales quickly, but these interactions often feel impersonal and fail to cultivate long-term loyalty. People don’t want to feel like they’re just another number on a sales target. When they sense that the interaction is solely driven by the potential for immediate gain, they are less likely to engage, let alone refer others or return for future business. On the other hand, when you take the time to build genuine relationships, you create a network of advocates who are eager to support and recommend you, whether through word-of-mouth referrals or new business opportunities.

2. Authenticity: The Key to Building Genuine Relationships

Authenticity is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship. In business, as in life, people are drawn to those who are real, transparent, and trustworthy. Authenticity creates a connection that transcends the superficial elements of networking. It’s not about trying to impress others or projecting a polished image; it’s about being yourself, sharing your values, and creating space for real connections to form.

Being authentic doesn’t mean oversharing personal details or being overly casual. Instead, it’s about communicating openly, being transparent about your intentions, and engaging in conversations that go beyond surface-level exchanges. Authenticity builds credibility because it shows that you are more interested in forming a meaningful connection than in achieving a short-term goal.

When you approach networking with authenticity, people can sense that you are genuinely interested in them, rather than just looking for ways to benefit yourself. This makes them more likely to open up and engage with you on a deeper level. It also fosters an environment of trust, where both parties feel safe to share ideas, challenges, and opportunities. In this way, authenticity acts as a bridge that turns strangers into trusted allies, partners, and even friends.

3. How to Build Genuine Relationships

Building genuine relationships in business requires time, effort, and intention. It’s not something that can be rushed or forced; instead, it must be nurtured through consistent, meaningful interactions. Here are some key strategies for building and maintaining strong, authentic relationships:

a. Listen More Than You Speak

One of the most effective ways to build rapport is by listening actively. Often, people enter networking conversations with the intent to talk about themselves—their business, their achievements, their needs. However, true connection comes from understanding the other person first. Ask thoughtful questions about their work, their goals, and their challenges, and listen attentively to their answers. This not only makes them feel valued, but it also helps you identify ways in which you can genuinely assist them.

b. Add Value Without Expecting Anything in Return

One of the biggest mistakes people make when networking is expecting immediate reciprocity. Instead of approaching interactions with a "what can I get" mentality, focus on "what can I give?" By offering help, insights, or introductions without expecting anything in return, you demonstrate your willingness to contribute to the other person’s success. This creates goodwill and lays the foundation for a relationship based on mutual respect and support.

For example, if someone you meet mentions a challenge they are facing in their business, consider sharing a relevant resource, article, or connection that could help them. These small acts of generosity go a long way in building trust and strengthening your relationship.

c. Follow Up and Stay Engaged

Building a relationship doesn’t end after the first meeting. In fact, that’s just the beginning. One of the most important elements of networking is following up and staying engaged with the people you meet. This could be as simple as sending a thank-you email, checking in periodically, or sharing relevant content that might be useful to them. Consistent follow-up demonstrates that you care about the relationship and are invested in its growth.

Over time, staying engaged with your network will lead to deeper connections. The more touchpoints you have, the stronger the relationship becomes. Even a quick message to check in or a personal note acknowledging a milestone can make a lasting impression. When people feel that you are genuinely invested in their success, they are far more likely to reciprocate that support.

4. The Long-Term Benefits of Building Genuine Relationships

While transactional networking may yield quick wins, the long-term benefits of building genuine relationships far outweigh short-term gains. Strong relationships lead to lasting partnerships, greater trust, and more opportunities for growth. When people trust you and value your relationship, they are more likely to refer others to you, recommend your services, and collaborate with you on future projects.

Additionally, having a network of trusted allies and advocates creates a support system that you can rely on during challenging times. Whether you’re facing a business hurdle or looking for advice, having people who truly know and trust you can provide invaluable guidance and resources. This network can also open doors to opportunities you may not have discovered on your own, such as strategic partnerships, speaking engagements, or leadership roles.

Moreover, these relationships often lead to greater personal satisfaction. Beyond the business benefits, having a network of meaningful connections creates a sense of community and belonging. Knowing that you are part of a group of people who support and care about your success adds depth to your professional life and makes the journey more rewarding.

5. Turning Networking into Relationship Building

To turn networking into relationship building, you need to move away from the idea of networking as a task to be completed and instead view it as an ongoing investment in people. It’s about focusing on quality over quantity, deepening your connections over time, and maintaining an attitude of service. Here are a few final tips to help shift your mindset toward relationship building:

  • Focus on Quality, Not Quantity: It's better to have a few strong, meaningful connections than dozens of superficial ones. Don’t be tempted to “network with everyone.” Instead, take the time to engage deeply with the people you meet.

  • Be Patient: Relationships don’t develop overnight. Be patient and allow them to grow naturally over time. Trust and respect are built through consistent, positive interactions.

  • Lead with Generosity: When you approach networking with the mindset of giving rather than receiving, you naturally attract people who appreciate your value. By helping others succeed, you create an ecosystem of support where everyone benefits.


Building genuine relationships is the key to unlocking long-term success in business. While transactional networking may provide immediate results, it lacks the depth and sustainability needed for real growth. By focusing on authenticity, active listening, and giving without expecting anything in return, you can cultivate strong, lasting relationships that provide ongoing opportunities for collaboration, support, and growth. These relationships not only enhance your business success but also create a fulfilling and supportive network that uplifts and empowers you along your journey.

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